Výsledky vyhledávání - "Ben Okri, 1959-"

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  1. 1

    Město červeného prachu

    Autor v šesti příbězích na osudech obyčejných lidí velmi sugestivně, místy až drsně, ukazuje závažné problémy, jimž je život vystavuje. Potýkají se nejen s masovou …

    Knihy Načítá se…
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    An African elegy

    A collection of poems reflecting Okri's concerns about Africa's colossal economic and political problems.

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    Astonishing the Gods

    From the Booker prize-winning author of The Famished Road comes this bewitching novel. It is a modern fable about the relationship between love, suffering and creativity. Set on an enchanted island, …

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    Incidents at the shrine

    Incidents at the Shrine is the first collection of stories by the author of 1991 Booker Prize-winning novel, The Famished Road. Whether the subject is a child's eye view of the Nigerian Civil …

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    Infinite riches

    Azaro is a spirit child. He made a pact with his spirit companions that when he was born he would die at the first opportunity and rejoin them. But after his birth, Azaro broke his pact. His spirit …

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    Stars of the new curfew

    This collection of short stories is set in Nigeria and reflects the mad, exotic and often dangerous chaos which reigns there. They include jumbled up voodoo stories, stories of shanty towns and of men …

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    Hladová cesta

    Román o životě obyvatel jednoho městského ghetta v době, kdy se v Nigérii schylovalo k vyhlášení nezávislosti. Do každodenních trampot lidí, kteří své živobytí často obhajují jen …

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    Dangerous love

    An epic of daily life, Dangerous Love is Ben Okri's most accessible and most disarming novel yet. It is a story of doomed love, of star-crossed lovers, separated not by their families, but by the …
